We all have a dream of building our own website but after a deep research, we tend to get aware about some dicey stuff, like paying for domain or hosting, how much bandwidth will be used by your site and much more.
So first we will understand about the domain and hosting, and then we will proceed with the tutorial.
Domain name – It is an identification string which gives you an idea of the administration autonomy and control on the internet. It is regulated through DNS (domain name system). The name which is registered with DNS is known as domain name. It basically fulfills the purpose of identification of internet resources such as computer, networks, services and much more with text based level, which makes it easier to remember than the numbers.
Web hosting-it is a hosting service which makes your website accessible through World Wide Web to all the public. There are generally two types of hosting services available-smaller hosting services and larger hosting services.web hosting is basically companies which provides internet connectivity and also space on a server owned and leased by clients. It also provides data centre space.
Now we have gathered much information on these issues and jumbled up into a guideline for you that how you can get your domain and hosting for free.
To start with it, you might need these things-
- A laptop/computer
- An email id (if you don’t have one please create your own.)
- A little bit of coding knowledge
- Basic view of making website and how it works
Now we will start with the tutorial –
Registering domain-
The first step is to register the domain name. For this, You must have an email address, if don’t then make an account on Google, Yahoo or on any email provider as it will be needed to get the domain.
Open a new tab in your browser for registration of a domain name and go to
www.dot.tk. Where you will get to see this.

Dot.tk is a site, where you can register your domain name. But unfortunately, you will be given what they have. So here we are left with only.tk domain name.
If you want some other domain apart from what you are getting then, then you might have to spend from your pocket and go to GoDaddy, where you can see the prices of top level domain.
We will register our domain now but our decision should be wise. Now enter your desired domain name and press Go.
You will find somewhat this on your screen.

I wrote Napkins.tk but if in case it’s not taking the domain name or says that this has been already taken then try some other special and different domain name.
Now sign up with all the relevant information which is required. If it says “Use your new domain”, simply find a random image on Google and copy paste it on the redirect, then register. After this, we will change the DNS of the domain.
Now click sign up to register and choose the service you want to sign up with Facebook, Twitter or Google.
Click the icon Login to my.tk.

Now sign up again with a social account with your email id and password as shown:

Then this will appear-

Now, this is the way we can register our domain for free. But it might take approx 48 hours before you can actually use your domain.
Web hosting-
Now don’t close the current domain page, instead of it open a new tab in the browser and navigate to hourb.com.
You will get to see this.

Click and sign up. Fill the desired information for signing, and then come back to the next step.
Select Free hosting as opposed to Super Freemium with ads.

If you are done with the form and creating a site, switch on your Domain in the control panel. You will be shown with this text.

This means that we need to point.tk domain to the nameservers of the web host.
Now click n the accounts and select detail.

This will appear .

Now we need to go back to the domain tab and modify our domain.
And will have to enter in the Nameserver like this.

Now press and save the changes. The result will come automatically.

It will take 48 hours to develop again as the domain. So in the meanwhile, you can work in HTML, Word press or any site on which you want to.
Isn’t it simple? Enjoy your new free domain and web hosting.