Simple Tweaks to reduce bounce rate by 50% to Improve SEO

Simple Tweaks to reduce bounce rate by 50% to Improve SEO
A website’s rank is dependent on many factors. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is done in regular basis to maintain the ranking. There are two types of SEO and those are On-page and Off-page SEO. Bounce rate comes under Off-page SEO and it is better to have less bounce rate. The amount of time user spends on your website is taken into consideration by Google search engine and it decides whether to use that page for showing in the next searches. It is pretty important that the content is unique and design of the website is user-friendly. Let’s discuss some tweaks to reduce the bounce rate.

A big “NO” for pop up advertisements:

  • We need to place advertisements in the websites to generate revenue. More ads lead to more revenue but as a matter of fact, this is reducing the visitor count as many leads annoy users. Pop-up ads are the main reasons for increasing bounce rate. As soon as the ads start displayed, visitor closes the web page and search for other pages.
  • The reduction in visitors count will lead to less clicks on ads and thereby less revenue. Website and ads should be minimal and no pop-up ads will make sure they are staying for some time to read the content. As website increases its reputation by constantly posting articles, then even with less number of ads, revenue can be generated. Less ads leads to less bounce rate.

Loading time of websites and blogs are also considered:

  • Website loading time should be made as less as possible. It is not on the hands of developer because loading time is based on lot of factors like visitor’s internet connection, servers and so on. But the developer should focus on developing websites that takes less loading time.
  • Some people will be like, opens couple of websites directly from Google search and if website loads for more time, they just close it down and this adds on to the bounce rate. If the website loads fast enough, then bounce rate will be low.

Suggestions of Related Posts increases page clicks:

  • Related posts to the side of article are a great way to attract visitors to the website. Once their problem is solved, if related posts are shown in the side bar of webpage, then there is a 80% chance that they will click that link to find out.
  • This results in users spending time in your website. Google Analytics will record the time spent because this data is one of the factors used for rankings.
  • If the data is good and visitors giving positive response by spending time, then search engine will pick this webpage for the next set of users who query the same question or related questions.
  • Algorithms used in search engine find for websites that fulfill all their requirements and the top sites to maintain those will be picked to be displayed in search engine results. Bounce rate is reduced with users spending more time in your pages.

Websites and Blogs should be responsive:

  • Smartphones have become an important part of our life. Many apps to reduce the burden of work have come and most of the people nowadays search for information from mobiles rather than computers. It is very important for the websites to be responsive.
  • If the website is not responsive, then surely visitor leaves without any second thought. It is a fact that responsive design is tough with more content and ads but the designer have to take this duty and design in a minimalist way possible.

A few more techniques to reduce bounce rate:

  • Google keeps track of websites with Google Analytics code. In that code, there is a timer that is by default set to 15 seconds. That is the minimum time which a user have to spend on website.
  • If the user opens and closes the website in less than 15 seconds, then that goes under bounce rate. According to officials, we can change the time to 10 seconds. So, if a user stays for 10 seconds and after that if he leaves also, it won’t come under bounce rate.
  • One more addition to this rule is that, if visitor stays and once he/she scrolls, it is evident that they started reading the content.
  • So under these conditions, bounce rate can be measured and it is fact that if the visitor won’t like your website because of design, lack of content or more ads then they will close in and under 10 seconds for sure.
  • But according to surveys, changing the timer from 15 seconds to 10 seconds have greatly reduced Bounce rate.
A website should have low Bounce rate. Google analytics are used to find out page statistics, visitors count across the world and Bounce rate too. If it is found that Bounce rate is more, make sure to follow to follow above techniques to reduce up to a greater extent. Search engines will pick the websites with less bounce rates because those are seen by users without closing in seconds.

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