Best Tricks to Generate High Quality Traffic to your Blog

Best Tricks to Generate High Quality Traffic to your Blog
There is nothing more important to an online home based business than high-quality traffic. One of the biggest reasons why people don’t see results with their activities is because of little traffic, and the lack of people who are willing to put in the time to attract the right traffic. There are so many “traffic generating tools” out there for sale that quite frankly are outdated and produce less-than-optimal results, leading to failure and anger towards the world of online business. Because it does take time and energy to generate real traffic for your online business, I want to share with you best tricks for generating high-quality traffic to your blog.

Link Exchanges

Partaking in link exchanges is a vital part of blog promotion for any budding blogger. Link exchanges – organized and unorganized – allow bloggers and webmasters to get backlinks on sites and also enable them to add useful resources to their blogs or websites. One of the best ways to improve your search engine rankings is by tuning your off page factors – or all the factors that you cannot control by optimizing your blog. The most important off page factors are the links incoming to your blog – reciprocal or one-way. The two essential things to take into consideration while creating link text or code for coming link exchanges: the text in the title and the text in the description. According to most search engine optimization experts, the text in the title is most important. You will want to put the keyphrase you wish to optimize for in the title. Although there is more argument over the relevance of the text above and below the link, most professionals agree that there is a good chance that it will affect how your site is ranked. For this reason, you may want to attempt to optimize it. Additionally, when you engage in link exchanges regularly, you will want to switch your title text relatively often. This will permit you to optimize for many keywords. Then the latter thing you will need to put into consideration is how you will go about finding link parts for your blog. You can begin by considering related blogs. You may as well send a personal email to each of the blog owners, requesting whether or not they would be interested in some link exchanges. Next to that, you should contemplate signing up for any free link exchange system, which will allow you to freely exchange links with other bloggers and webmasters by looking up their sites and then sending them an automated message.

Submitting Your Blog to RSS & Blog Directories

Submitting your blog to RSS & blog directories is considerably easier than submitting fully-functional sites to website directories. This is because there are free, automatic systems in place that allow you to provide an updated version of your blog to directories without doing any form-filling. This automated system for submitting your blog to RSS & blog directories is known as pinging. You ping your blog at sites like and Once you ping your blog, the system will automatically send the newest update from your blog to all of the largest blog directories – usually on the order of about 40 or so. This means that submitting your blog to RSS & blog directories can be as simple as filling in your URL and title – and then hitting submit. The one thing you will want to be cautious about is the heading you use. Make sure that you use your most targeted keyword in the title you are submitting because it will be attached to all of the backlinks you receive from these directories. Additionally, submitting your blog to RSS & blog directories will get your blog placed on the front page of some blog directories. This may generate some fast traffic for you from people who are looking at the latest blogs to be updated. Once you are finished submitting your blog to RSS & blog directories via ping, you will then want to search out directories that you cannot ping and submit to them individually. provides a relatively complete list of RSS and blog directories. You will want to first submit to directories that offer certain perks (i.e., first page listings) or have higher PR – as this will confer higher more PR to your blog. As you cannot submit to most RSS directories through ping, they will perhaps make up the greater part of your submissions.

Leverage on Article Marketing

Article marketing – or the process of getting traffic by submitting articles – is considered to be one of the most active forms of traffic generation currently available today. However, there are some important things you should take into consideration before you begin to gain leverage on article marketing campaigns. The major thing you will want to put into consideration is using keywords. While it might seem like a good idea to optimize your articles for keywords you will use for your site pages; this actually could be a serious faux pas in the long run. This is because the article directories to which you submit will unquestionably have more backlinks and higher page rank scores, which means that a well-optimized article could prevent your site from being captured in the foremost spot on the search engines, reducing your leverage on article marketing hard work. This is exclusively true if you optimize for comparatively obscure words for which you do have an opportunity to capture the first spot. Furthermore, as you increase control on your article marketing campaign, you may lose control on the algorithm ranking of your site.

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