10 Things to Remember Before Starting a Blog

10 Things to Remember Before Starting a Blog
Blogging is a great way of earning revenue. Well some people start blogs for money while some for passion. Either ways, it is important to know some of the rules before starting a blog so that success will be your destiny. Here are the top 10 things to remember before starting a blog.

Blogging takes time:

  • It is false news when someone mentions that Blogging gives you quick money. No it’s not. There are so many blogs readily available and in order to grow the audience to your blog takes time.

Blogging is not completely free:

  • Starting a blog is free but only a few options are available for building the website. In order to make a blog which looks attractive and with more functionality, you have to pay for it. Right from the domain name to storage and designs, every part of making a blog comes with a price tag.

Focus on Content:

  • We all know that Content is king. Duplicate content is not good for blogs. Quality is more important than quantity. Articles of 800-1000 words are good for SEO purposes but if that content is plagiarized, then search engines will never focus on them. Try to write unique content that suits for topics on which you are writing for.

Decide your niche:

  • Niche is the topic on which articles will be posted. So, it is important to decide and finalize your niche before starting a blog. Make sure you keep posting articles on the same niche and in long run will be successful.

Get a domain name relevant to niche:

  • As we all know that keywords play a major role for users finding our blogs and websites. Search engines follow algorithms to pick best among many blogs. One of the factors is the usage of keywords in articles. The more usage of keywords for articles will become an easy pick for search engines.
  • What I am about to tell you is hard but it is worth trying. Website names should consist of or be with keywords. This is added advantage and your website may come in top search results. Now-a-days domain names are pretty difficult as the guessable combinations are already bought by many people.

Interact with social media:

  • Writing great articles is enough for websites to become successful. But frequent interactions in social media will reduce the time for gaining success. Giving positive reviews on others blogs is the first step. Along with giving reviews, you can put a link to your website in the comment box.
  • As discussed earlier, this also takes time. Give positive answer for the comments received on your posts. Replying to their queries represents that you care about your audience. They too feel good and will follow your future updates.

Understand about Copyrights:

  • The fact is that an image is used in lots of websites. What about the actual creator of that image? Most of the designers make minute changes to images like changing color or background and reusing them. In order to solve this, Copyrights are introduced. Once a file is copyrighted whether it is image, audio or video then usage of those in websites other than owner is not accepted.

It is better to know about HTML and CSS:

  • Nowadays people are making websites with ease. Just selecting the template and using drag and drop features, it is very easy to create a website. If a website has to be popular, then SEO should be done. This includes inserting keywords in headlines, content, header, and footer. So, it is always better to know at least the basics of HTML and CSS.

Knowledge of SEO techniques is essential:

  • It costs more money to appoint some people for design, some for backend and someone for SEO. In the initial stages, taking risk is not advised. Basic level of knowledge on SEO techniques is enough to get started. That’s why bloggers are advised to have SEO knowledge too.

Opt for responsive designs:

  • Technology is rapidly evolving and smartphones are ruling the world. From watching movies to listening songs, browsing web pages, sending emails, almost everything is possible with smartphones. Many people will search for solutions from their mobiles itself. Computer and smartphones have different screen resolution and websites should be made responsive so that from whatever screen they may access, blog or website should look great.
Thinking of starting a blog and earning money is not a bad idea but it’s not suitable for people who can’t wait and need quick revenue. Be sure to remember the above-mentioned things before starting a blog. Plagiarism free content should be written and copying others articles as they are are not suggested.

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